Practice makes perfect”, some basic embroidery techniques should be practiced on daily basis to improve embroidery skills. First of all, always use an embroidery hoop for embroidery digitizing. Stitching without an embroidery hoop is the elephant in the room. In addition to this, using an embroidery hoop helps beginners to position needle on the back of fabric whilst stitching. Secondly, do not fit your entire design into the embroidery hoop. One just moves the hoop across the fabric where needed. This makes the embroidery artwork portable and does not cause any damage to the stitches. This is the reason smaller hoops are always included in an embroidery kit by embroidery digitizers. Thirdly, try to work as narrow as one can with needle for stitching. As a beginner, one can use chenille needle for embroidery digitizing. However, always remember to use an embroidery needle when stitching French knots because they are hard to keep neat. Fourthly, varying the number of thread strands for stitching, is the simplest way to vary embroidery appearance.
In addition to this, do not use long threads as they are hard to split. For beginners the optimum length of a thread is 50 to 80 cm. Furthermore, always stop stitching with about 8 cm left on the needle to avoid stinginess with the threads. Finally, take the time to stretch the embroidery. Being mounted and stitched embroidery make it too much beautiful. Mounted embroidery enhances the 3D texture of the piece. One can looks at satin stitch that has the exactly same volume on the both back and front of the fabric which make it more beautiful and worthy.